THE WATCHMAN Instructor Development Program
The Watchman Church Security Instructor Development Program is an academic and practical four-day program designed to give you the necessary concepts, tools and training you will need for a successful career in church security. As a certified Watchman Church Security Instructor, you will teach proven techniques and methodologies uniquely designed and specific to advanced church security. More importantly you will train teams to properly de-escalate a variety of dynamic situations, and to reduce the intensity of a conflict or potentially violent situation. Many of the skills you will be trained in can only be found in highly specialized areas of law enforcement, medical, and security fields. These proven skills are the foundation in which this program was built upon. It is important to note that only select applicants are selected. The selection process is based on your bio and phone interviews. Upon certification, you will belong to a highly prestigious and exclusive brotherhood of church security instructors that can only be found with ITC.
Since Innovative Tactical Concepts is the premier church security training company in the country, as you can imagine, we are very selective about who we certify to train people because our reputation is untarnished and we plan on keeping it that way. No one who offers a day or two instructors’ course is going to be worth training with because there is no way that we can teach you what you need to know in a day or two, or even a week. And, it is for that very reason why our course is a 3-6-month home study course. We are not an instructor factory where you pay money and spend a weekend with us and get a certificate to teach. Church security is very in-depth and you need to know what you are talking about and truly be an expert on this topic before teaching. Most people do not have a real grasp on just how extensive things are when it comes to protecting the flock. That is, if you are serious and are going to do it right.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there teaching “church security” that are not qualified to do so. Being a tactical trainer or having been in the military or law enforcement does not make someone an expert on church security. Church security training is a “new product” that a lot of tactical trainers are taking advantage of and that is very unfortunate because they really do not know what they are doing and people do not know any better.
In addition, if you are planning on providing training for free, we are unable to accommodate such a training program. Why should churches pay for training? Simply because they pay for other services such as the construction of the church, maintenance, sound equipment, etc. Our services are no different. No, we are not all about the money. However, no quality professional trainer is going to train people for free because they realize that people do not place value on free things. And, our experience of over a decade of running a team and training hundreds of churches across the nation comes at a price. As a lifelong Christian, I do not feel one bit guilty about charging for our training.
Furthermore, our training is a layered system and there are expenses involved in maintaining those resources. No one who offers a one-or two-day course is going to prepare you for combat. It just isn’t possible and anyone who says they can is lying to you or does not know what they are doing and you should steer clear of their training. Our training system consists of about 200 hours of training, much of which is done online.
To ensure your ongoing success, we off a unique support system including a mandatory yearly instructor conference, online training, discussion forum, as well as direct access to senior trainers. The yearly conference is designed to recertify you as an instructor, introduce new learning opportunities, new training concepts and course material. It also provides a forum for the instructors to share new ideas and voice concerns. We highly encourage the instructors to network with one another and team teach. The conference will include program updates, marketing and planning strategies to grow your business and the opportunity to network with other instructors. There is no cost to attend the annual conference.
Do you have a passion for teaching and saving lives? If the answer was yes, then what are you waiting for? Contact us NOW!
We are also certifying instructors in other areas such as:
Do you have a passion for teaching and saving lives? If the answer was yes, then what are you waiting for? Contact us NOW!
How To Become An Instructor
The process is this simple.
1. You express your interest by contacting us with your resume and why you would like to become an instructor.
2. We review your information and then decide whether or not you might be a good fit.
3. You will then be contacted as to how we would like to proceed.
4. If we decide to move forward you will get more information regarding the program before we interview you.
5. From there we decide whether or not you are what we are looking for and proceed from there.
Thanks for your interest!
God Bless,
Brian K. LaMaster
CEO, Innovative Tactical Concepts