The Best Sheepdog Training DVD Available for Training Church Security Teams On A Tight Budget
The Watchman is a video series that will help you get a church security team up and running from the ground up. No other sheepdog training video will prepare you as well as this one because of the approach to the fight. Why is the approach to the fight important? Well, because if you do not approach it from the right perspective, the reality of it is that you are not going to be prepared for things that you should be ready to deal with.Many trainers who are teaching church security and church safety have a law enforcement background which is not always a good thing. Why is that you might be asking? Simply because the typical mindset of an officer is that of a reactionary nature due to their training. In order to effectively protect your church facility, you need to know how to properly deter the majority of things from ever happening. As many of you know, the best fight you fought was the one you never had to fight.
Well over 500 churches across the country have purchased our DVD training videos. Many instructors out there teaching church security have utilized our training videos to improve their training. Some of the backgrounds of people who have purchased our DVD training series include the DHS and FBI, as well as several law enforcement agencies across the nation.
Sadly, most church security teams are not properly trained. Therefore, they are not truly ready to deal with real-world situations that could very quickly turn into life and death situations because simple mistakes were made. One of the reasons most church security teams are not ready is because of the trainer’s background being limited to law enforcement or military. While they can most certainly have some good insights, more often than not, they tend to overlook the most important fundamental principles of protecting your church.
Truth is, that you can do everything right and something may still happen. However, the important thing is that you are prepared to deal with the most likely situations you might face. Too many trainers are focused on the active shooter or the terrorist attack. With a doubt, these are the worst situations that your church security team may encounter. Your security team is more likely to deal domestic disputes such as a child custody issue, or a transient asking for money. The majority of your training time should be spent on de-escalating verbal confrontations, not shooting guns.
Our staff has dealt with, and trained hundreds of church security teams nationwide. No one has more experience with training churches to secure their facilities than we do. Why trust people to train your churches security team when they do not have the background in church security? How can you teach something you have never really been a part of?
The Watchman Church Security DVD’s series is the only sheepdog training video that will give you everything you need to know to effectively protect your church and church events. Not only that, but you will also get a FREE year’s subscription to our online training program which has up-to-date information where you can ask questions, watch recent videos, and learn how to defend yourself with unarmed and armed combatives.

This comprehensive 3-volume set (6 DVDs total) will introduce, explain, and demonstrate more than 80 key security concepts proven in churches across America, including:
- Site Vulnerability
- Access Control
- Team Selection
- Threat Awareness
- Policies & Procedures
- Equipment & Weapon Selection
- Child Protection
- Gun Safety Rules
- Bomb Threats
- Lockdown & Evacuation Plans
- Elements of a Confrontation
- Tactical Furniture Arrangement
- Protecting the Offering
- Closed Circuit TV Placement
- Church Drills
- Legal Information
- And much more
Video Trailer
On-site church security team training can cost up to $3,500. But now you can learn nearly everything we teach in this massive 3-volume set. Total estimated run time is 8.5 hours. All for just $399.95 + s/h. For a limited time only get it for $299.95 + s/h! You will not find a better deal to train your team! The suggested retail price is $599.95 That is 50% off the suggested retail price.
If you purchase The Watchman DVD and you want on-site training or attend one of our conferences, you will only pay the difference.
So, what are you waiting for? Order your copy NOW!
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Although we have shipped DVD’s around the world, including to our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, we are not accepting out-of-country orders at this time.
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